It's late and the garage is painted, but not without a good deal of drama. I had to get rough with a certain deity. By "getting rough" I mean drinking beer and acting nonchalant while I waited out his antics.
See, I'm pretty sure I ticked off Shadeus, the god of color common sense. I had painted three sides, when a thundercloud parked itself over me for about an hour. I guess it wasn't a capital offense - it eventually moved on. But in the meantime he screwed with me and made me do a lot of re-work and work a lot later than I wanted to. Hey, it's not like I didn't try. I made a wholelotta trips to the paint store today to pick up "samplers". These are little jugs of paint mixed to the color your just *know* will be the exact right shade, even though you've screwed it up every other time you've tried.
The original "approved" color:
My Sunday morning brainchild. Totally gross:
My next great idea. Not perfect, but it's the one that stuck. Life goes by fast. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can, make a decision, and move on.
I still have to trim it out, but it's all downhill from here. I think.