Sunday, January 4, 2009

Early-To-Mid-Winter Status Report

Everything has pretty much come to a screeching halt. I busted tail to get the trench dug, I had Greg on board to run the power, and then I had to leave town. And in the meantime, winter hit. And oh yeah, the garage door guy wouldn't return my calls. What-HEVVER! Time for a new garage door guy.

That monster snow pile sits right above where the power has to go. Guess power's not happening anytime soon.

Apparently, Matt and I sunk enough nails to keep things from collapsing under the weight of the snow.

But I'm not that confident, so I cleared both roofs!

Even though we have no garage door, we're thoroughly enjoying not having to scrape our windows or brush snow off the roof.

We had looked forward to calling the container company to come pick up their steel box. Looks like it could be a while.

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