Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lotsa Stuff Going On

This bad yellow dude showed up this morning before I left for work. Gnarly diesel ground-shaking noise and smell is a good way to start the day. You know shit is happening.

The scrap pile was toast by the time I got home.

Mike and Dan slammed it on the forms. The depth is due to the fact that you have to get down below the frost line, plus we have some elevation gain to deal with, so that's why the walls look kinda high. Nothing is ever simple.

Since the whole garage construction thing isn't quite doing it for us, we decided we need to install a new furnace. We think we need to update in order to help sell the house, and we decided to do it now so that we can enjoy it (and save a little money!) this winter. If you're like us, you've been through the situation where your house is the best it's ever been right before you sell it. We'd like to enjoy the improvements for a little while this time. As a little incentive, Avista offers $1500 for converting from electric (our current source) to gas - I was pretty amazed. The contractor ran the gas line last week and will finish the install tomorrow. Patty and I spent the evening ripping out the workbench and clearing the furnace room.

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